
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


May 7, 2012 Leave a comment

import away3d.cameras.lenses.OrthogonalLens;
import away3d.cameras.SpringCam;
import away3d.containers.View3D;
import away3d.primitives.Cube;
import away3d.primitives.Sphere;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.geom.Vector3D;
import flash.ui.Keyboard;
* …
* @author Shiu
public class FollowMe extends Sprite
private var _cube:Cube, _sphere1:Sphere, _sphere2:Sphere;
private var _view:View3D;
private var followerCam:SpringCam;
private var forward:Boolean, backward:Boolean, turnLeft:Boolean, turnRight:Boolean;

public function FollowMe()
followerCam = new SpringCam();

_view = new View3D(); addChild(_view);
_view.x = stage.stageWidth >> 1;
_view.y = stage.stageHeight >> 1;
_view.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update); = followerCam;

_cube = new Cube(); _view.scene.addChild(_cube);
_sphere1 = new Sphere(); _view.scene.addChild(_sphere1);
_sphere1.x += 300
_sphere2 = new Sphere(); _view.scene.addChild(_sphere2);
_sphere2.x -= 300 = _cube;
followerCam.positionOffset = new Vector3D(0, 200, -1000);
followerCam.stiffness = 5;
followerCam.damping = 20;

stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyFunction);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyFunction);

private function keyFunction(e:KeyboardEvent):void
if(e.type == “keyDown”){
if (e.keyCode == Keyboard.UP) forward = true;
else if (e.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN) backward = true;
if (e.keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT) turnLeft = true;
else if (e.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT) turnRight = true;
else if (e.type == “keyUp”) {
if (e.keyCode == Keyboard.UP) forward = false;
else if (e.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN) backward = false;
if (e.keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT) turnLeft = false;
else if (e.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT) turnRight = false;

private function update(e:Event):void {
if (forward) _cube.z += 100;
else if (backward) _cube.z -= 100;

if(turnLeft) _cube.rotationY += 10;
else if(turnRight) _cube.rotationY -= 10;



Categories: Uncategorized


April 29, 2012 Leave a comment

* Vector2D
* Purpose: Utility class to assist in Vector manipulation in a 2D environment
* @author Shiu
* @version 1.0 9 August 2011
* @version 2.0 22 August 2011
public class Vector2D
private var _vecX:Number;
private var _vecY:Number;

* Constructor of Vector2D
* @param mc_x x-component of vector
* @param mc_y y-component of vector
public function Vector2D(mc_x:Number, mc_y:Number)
this._vecX = mc_x;
this._vecY = mc_y;

* Provision for an alternate constructor
* @param mag Magnitude of vector
* @param ang_rad Orientation of vector in radians
public function polar (mag:Number, ang_rad:Number):void
this._vecX = mag*Math.cos(ang_rad);
this._vecY = mag*Math.sin(ang_rad);

* Accessors of individual x-component
public function set x(new_x:Number):void
this._vecX = new_x;

public function get x ():Number
return this._vecX;

* Accessors of individual y-component
public function set y(new_y:Number):void
this._vecY = new_y;

public function get y ():Number
return _vecY;

* Method to obtain the vector
* @return A vector array of x and y components
public function getVector ():Vector.<Number>
return new <Number>[_vecX, _vecY]

* Method to obtain current angle of vector
* @return Angle in radians
public function getAngle ():Number
return Math.atan2(_vecY, _vecX);

* Method tl alter current angle of vector
* @param ang_rad New angle for current vector in radians
public function setAngle(ang_rad:Number):void
var mag_current:Number = this.getMagnitude();
this.polar(mag_current, ang_rad);

* Method to obtain current magnitude of vector
* @return Magnitude of type Number
public function getMagnitude():Number
return Math.sqrt(_vecX * _vecX + _vecY * _vecY);

* Method ot alter current magnitude of vector
* @param magnitude New magnitude of vector
public function setMagnitude(magnitude:Number):void
var ang_current:Number = this.getAngle();
this.polar(magnitude, ang_current);

* Method to invert both x and y components of vector
public function invert():void
_vecX *= -1;
_vecY *= -1;

* Version 2.0
* Method to invert only the x-component of Vector2D
public function invertX():void
_vecX *= -1;

* Version 2.0
* Method to invert only the x-component of Vector2D
public function invertY():void
_vecY *= -1;

* Version 2.0
* Method to scale current vector by a scalar magnitude
* @param multiplier A scalar number to mulitply current vector
public function scale (magnitude:Number):void
_vecX *= magnitude;
_vecY *= magnitude;

* Method to generate a copy of current vector
* @return A copy of current vector
public function clone ():Vector2D
var clone1:Vector2D = new Vector2D(_vecX, _vecY);
return clone1;

* Method to perform subtration on current vector
* @param toMinus A vector to minus current vector
* @return A copy of subtration product
public function minus(toMinus:Vector2D):Vector2D
var newX:Number = this._vecX – toMinus.x;
var newY:Number = this._vecY – toMinus.y;
return new Vector2D(newX, newY);

* Method to perform addition on current vector
* @param toAdd A vector to add onto current vector
* @return A copy of addition product
public function add(toAdd:Vector2D):Vector2D
var newX:Number = this._vecX + toAdd.x;
var newY:Number = this._vecY + toAdd.y;
return new Vector2D(newX, newY);

* Version 2.0
* Method to multiply current vector with a certain magnitude
* @param multiplier
* @return A copy of the multiplied product
public function multiply(multiplier:Number):Vector2D
var newX:Number = this._vecX * multiplier;
var newY:Number = this._vecY * multiplier;
return new Vector2D(newX, newY);

* Method to rotate current vector
* @param angle_rad Angle in radian to rotate current vector
* @param offset A vector to offset current circular into an eliptical course
* @return A copy of the rotated vector
public function rotate(angle_rad:Number):Vector2D
var newX:Number = _vecX * Math.cos(angle_rad) – _vecY * Math.sin(angle_rad);
var newY:Number = _vecX * Math.sin(angle_rad) + _vecY * Math.cos(angle_rad);

return new Vector2D(newX, newY);

* Method to obtain vector unit of current vector
* @return A copy of normalised vector
public function normalise():Vector2D
return new Vector2D(this._vecX/this.getMagnitude(), this._vecY/this.getMagnitude())

* Method to perform dot product with another vector
* @param vector2 A vector to perform dot product with current vector
* @return A scalar number of dot product
public function dotProduct(vector2:Vector2D):Number
var componentX:Number = this._vecX * vector2.x;
var componentY:Number = this._vecY * vector2.y;
return componentX+componentY;

* Method to perform perpendiculart dot product with another vector
* @param vector2 A vector on the plane of projection
* @param rightNormal Decide whether to project onto the right or left normal
* @return A scalar number of perp dot product
public function perpProduct(vector2:Vector2D, rightNormal:Boolean = true): Number
var componentY:Number, componentX:Number;
componentX = this._vecY * vector2.x;
componentY = -1*this._vecX * vector2.y;
else {
componentX = -1*this._vecY * vector2.x;
componentY = this._vecX * vector2.y;
return componentX+componentY;

* Method to perform vector product of current vector with input vector
* @param vector2 A vector to perform vector product with current vector
* @return The magnitude of pseudo-vector on z-axis
public function vectorProduct(vector2:Vector2D):Number
return this._vecX * vector2.y – this._vecY * vector2.x;

* Method to obtain the smaller angle, in radian, sandwiched from current vector to input vector
* @param vector2 A vector to bound the angle
* @return Angle in radian, positive is clockwise, negative is anti-clockwise
public function angleBetween(vector2:Vector2D):Number
//get normalised vectors
var norm1:Vector2D = this.normalise();
var norm2:Vector2D = vector2.normalise();

//dot product of vectors to find angle
var product:Number = norm1.dotProduct(norm2);
product = Math.min(1, product);
var angle:Number = Math.acos(product);

//sides of angle
if (this.vectorProduct(vector2) < 0) angle *= -1
return angle;

* Method to obtain the projection of current vector on a given axis
* @param axis An axis where vector is projected on
* @return The projection length of current vector on given axis
public function projectionOn(axis:Vector2D):Number
return this.dotProduct(axis.normalise())

* Method to obtain normal
* @param right Decide whether to return the right or left normal.
public function getNormal(rightNormal:Boolean = true):Vector2D
var normal:Vector2D = new Vector2D(0,0);
normal.x = -1*this._vecY
normal.y = this._vecX
else {
normal.x = this._vecY
normal.y = -1*this._vecX
return normal;


Categories: Uncategorized

April 25, 2012 Leave a comment

import flash.display.Sprite;
* Circle
* Purpose: Circle object
* @author Shiu
public class Circle extends Sprite
private var _col:Number, _radius:Number;
private var _drawBound:Boolean = false;

public function Circle(color:Number, radius:Number = 10) {
_col = color, _radius = radius;

private function draw():void {
graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, _radius);

public function set color (value:Number):void {
_col = value;

public function get radius ():Number {
return _radius;

public function set showBound(status:Boolean):void {
_drawBound = status;
graphics.drawRect(_radius * -1, _radius * -1, _radius*2, _radius*2);


public function get showBound ():Boolean {
return _drawBound;



Categories: Uncategorized


April 23, 2012 Leave a comment

import away3d.containers.View3D;
import away3d.lights.PointLight3D;
import away3d.materials.WhiteShadingBitmapMaterial;
import away3d.primitives.Sphere;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.Sprite;
* …
* @author Shiu
public class AssignLighting extends Sprite
private var _view:View3D;
private var sp:Sphere;
private var light:PointLight3D;

[Embed(source = “../lib/Earth_Diffuse_2.jpg”)]
private var Earth:Class;

public function AssignLighting()
_view = new View3D(); addChild(_view);
_view.x = stage.stageWidth >> 1;
_view.y = stage.stageHeight >> 1;

//one fill color, perlin noise and bitmap
var bmp:BitmapData = new BitmapData(100, 100, true, 0xffAAAAAA);
//var bmp : BitmapData = new BitmapData(200, 200);
//bmp.perlinNoise(200, 200, 2, Math.random(), true, true);

//var earthBmp:Bitmap = new Earth as Bitmap;
//var bmp:BitmapData = new BitmapData(640, 320);

sp = new Sphere(); _view.scene.addChild(sp);
sp.segmentsH = 10; sp.segmentsW = 10;
sp.material = new WhiteShadingBitmapMaterial(bmp);

light = new PointLight3D(); _view.scene.addLight(light);
light.z = -500; light.brightness = 0.1;

addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, interact);
_view.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, interact);
_view.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, interact);
_view.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, refresh);

private function interact(e:MouseEvent):void
if (e.type == “mouseDown”) {
light.brightness += 0.1;
if(e.type == “mouseMove”){
sp.x = mouseX – stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
sp.y = -(mouseY – stage.stageHeight * 0.5);
if (e.type == “mouseWheel”) {
if ( > 0) sp.z -= 100;
if ( < 0) sp.z += 100;

private function refresh(e:Event):void
sp.rotationY += 1;



Categories: Uncategorized

Source for Basic3D

March 26, 2012 Leave a comment

import flash.display.TriangleCulling;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import net.richardlord.coral.Matrix3d;
import net.richardlord.coral.Point3d;
import net.richardlord.coral.Vector3d;

* …
* @author Shiu
public class Proj_3D2 extends Sprite
private var modelSpace:Vector.<Vector3d>
private var worldSpace:Vector.<Vector3d>
private var local:Vector3d;

private var projected:Vector.<Number>
private var dex:Vector.<int>;

public function Proj_3D2()
modelSpace = new Vector.<Vector3d>;
modelSpace.push(new Vector3d( -50, -50, -50)); //A
modelSpace.push(new Vector3d( 50, -50, -50)); //B
modelSpace.push(new Vector3d( 50, 50, -50)); //C
modelSpace.push(new Vector3d( -50, 50, -50)); //D

modelSpace.push(new Vector3d( -50, -50, 50)); //E
modelSpace.push(new Vector3d( 50, -50, 50)); //F
modelSpace.push(new Vector3d( 50, 50, 50)); //G
modelSpace.push(new Vector3d( -50, 50, 50)); //H

worldSpace = new Vector.<Vector3d>;
worldSpace = modelSpace;

local = new Vector3d(stage.stageWidth*0.2, stage.stageHeight >> 1, 100);
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, refresh);

private function refresh(e:Event):void

private function perspective():void


private function spin(angle:Number):void
var m3:Matrix3d = new Matrix3d();
m3.appendRotation(angle / 180 * Math.PI, Vector3d.Y_AXIS);

modelSpace = m3.transformVectors(modelSpace);

private function convert2World():void {
worldSpace = new Vector.<Vector3d>;
worldSpace.push(local.add(modelSpace[0])); //A
worldSpace.push(local.add(modelSpace[1])); //B
worldSpace.push(local.add(modelSpace[2])); //C
worldSpace.push(local.add(modelSpace[3])); //D

worldSpace.push(local.add(modelSpace[4])); //E
worldSpace.push(local.add(modelSpace[5])); //F
worldSpace.push(local.add(modelSpace[6])); //G
worldSpace.push(local.add(modelSpace[7])); //H

private function prepareData():void {
projected = new Vector.<Number>;
worldSpace[0].x, worldSpace[0].y,
worldSpace[1].x, worldSpace[1].y,
worldSpace[2].x, worldSpace[2].y,
worldSpace[3].x, worldSpace[3].y);

dex = new Vector.<int>;
dex.push(3, 0, 1,
3, 1, 2);

private function draw():void {
//graphics.drawTriangles(projected, dex, null,TriangleCulling.POSITIVE);
graphics.drawTriangles(projected, dex, null);



Categories: Uncategorized

Hello world!

June 19, 2011 1 comment

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Categories: Uncategorized